What Steam Greenlight Means for Developers

First and foremost, my apologies for being absent last Thursday. It was something of a busy week, the latter of which was spent fending off sickness (which I’m still not entirely certain I’ve conquered.) Regardless, I’m back, and with any luck, I can get back to posting regular content.

Today’s fare is going to be rather light, admittedly, but later in the week I’m going to discuss the ruling in the EU earlier this month about the resale of open data licenses (and what it says about the absurd copy protection we’re forced to suffer through.) Similarly, next week I’ll be discussing how the medium of gaming has grown up, and what still needs to be done if it’s to be taken seriously – I’ll be making references to some of my earlier articles here. So, there’s some good stuff on the way. Stay tuned, folks.

For now, let’s talk about Valve’s latest venture.
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